Architecture overview
Last updated
Last updated
The API is built with Django Rest Framework and implements the key concepts of Prophecies.
Prophecies is based on the following open source tools:
Python 3.9, 3.10
Node 16, 18
Django 4.2
Django Rest Framework 3.14
Django Rest Framework JSON:API 6.1
Vue 2.7
Vue CLI 5
Vuex ORM 0.36
Jest 28
This sequence diagram illustrates the communication flow within the Prophecies platform infrastructure, focusing on how a request travels from the user interface to the database and back.
Here is a simplified version of the Database schema.
Use this page to explore the latest specifications of the API.
This schema follows the OpenAPI 3. You can load this file in many OpenAPI clients, including Swagger or Redoc.
The JSON:API spec is a standard for structuring JSON responses in APIs to optimize data exchange and efficiency.