Last updated
Last updated
Deletes an apikey for current user. Only available in SERVER mode.
user identifier
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/key/:userId'
No body
when key has been deleted
Get the private key for an existing user. Only available in SERVER mode.
user identifier
curl -L \
--url '/api/key/:userId'
"hashedKey": "c3e7766f7605659f2b97f2a6f5bcf34611997fc31173931eefcea91df1b465ffe35c2b9b4b91e8bbe2eec3730ce2a74a"
returns the hashed key JSON
Preflight for key management
user identifier
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/key/:userId'
No body
Creates a new private key and saves its SHA384 hash into database for current user. Only available in SERVER mode.
user identifier
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/key/:userId'
"apiKey": "SrcasvUmaAD6NsZ3+VmUkFFWVfRggIRNmWR5aHx7Kfc="
returns the api key JSON
Deletes batch searches and results for the current user.
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/batch/search'
No body
no content: idempotent
Retrieves the list of batch searches
'freetext' search filter. Empty string or '' to select all. Default is ''
specifies field on query filter ('all','author'...). Default is 'all'
list of selected queries in the batch search (to invert selection put 'queriesExcluded' parameter to true)
Associated with 'queries', if true it excludes the listed queries from the results
filters by contentTypes
filters by projects. Empty array corresponds to no projects
filters by date range timestamps with [dateStart, dateEnd]
filters by task status (RUNNING, QUEUED, DONE, FAILED)
filters by published state (0: private to the user, 1: public on the platform)
boolean, if true it includes list of queries
if not provided default is 100
if not provided it starts from 0
curl -L \
--url '/api/batch/search'
"pagination": {
"count": 1,
"from": 1,
"size": 1,
"total": 1
"items": []
default response
Preflight request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/batch/search'
No body
returns 200 with DELETE
Retrieves the batch search list for the user issuing the request filter with the given criteria, and the total of batch searches matching the criteria.
If from/size are not given their default values are 0, meaning that all the results are returned. BatchDate must be a list of 2 items (the first one for the starting date and the second one for the ending date) If defined publishState is a string equals to "0" or "1"
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/batch/search' \
--header 'Content-Type: */*'
"pagination": {
"count": 1,
"from": 1,
"size": 1,
"total": 1
"items": []
the list of batch searches with the total batch searches for the query
Deletes a batch search and its results with the given id. It won't delete running batch searches, because results would be orphans.
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/batch/search/:batchid'
No body
Returns 204 (No Content) : idempotent
Retrieves the batch search with the given id. The query param "withQueries" accepts a boolean value.When "withQueries" is set to false, the list of queries is empty and nbQueries contains the number of queries.
curl -L \
--url '/api/batch/search/:batchid'
"uuid": "text",
"published": true,
"name": "text",
"description": "text",
"user": null,
"date": "2025-02-22T08:26:00.754Z",
"nbQueries": 1,
"nbResults": 1,
"errorMessage": "text",
"errorQuery": "text",
"fuzziness": 1,
"phraseMatches": true,
"queryTemplate": {
"query": "text"
"state": "QUEUED",
"projects": [],
"queries": {
"fileTypes": [
"paths": [
Preflight request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/batch/search/:batchid'
No body
returns 200 with DELETE
Retrieves the batch search queries with the given batch id and returns a list of strings UTF-8 encoded
identifier of the batch search
if not provided it starts from 0
if not provided all queries are returned from the "from" parameter
if set to csv, it answers with content-disposition attachment (file downloading)
if provided it will filter the queries accordingly
field name to order by asc, "query_number" by default (if it does not exist it will return a 500 error)
number of maximum results for each returned query (-1 means no maxResults)
curl -L \
--url '/api/batch/search/:batchid/queries'
No body
the batch search queries map [(query, nbResults), ...]
Retrieves the results of a batch search as an attached CSV file.
curl -L \
--url '/api/batch/search/result/csv/:batchid'
No body
returns the results of the batch search as CSV attached file.
Retrieves the set of recommended documents for the given project id and a list of users
comma separated users
curl -L \
--url '/api/:project/documents/recommendations?userids=:coma_separated_users'
default response
Retrieves the list of starred documents for a given project.
the project id
curl -L \
--url '/api/:project/documents/starred'
default response
Gets tags by document id
the project id
document id
curl -L \
--url '/api/:project/documents/tags/:docId'
default response
Preflight request for document tagging
the project id
document id
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/:project/documents/tags/:docId'
No body
returns 200 with PUT
Preflight request for document untagging
the project id
document id
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/:project/documents/untag/:docId'
No body
returns 200 with PUT
Retrieves the list of tagged documents for a given project id filtered by a given string of coma-separated list of tags.
the project id
comma separated tags
curl -L \
--url '/api/:projects/documents/tagged/:coma_separated_tags'
default response
Retrieves the list of starred document for all projects for the current user.
curl -L \
--url '/api/documents/starred'
default response
Retrieves the list of users who recommended a document with the total count of recommended documents for the given project id
curl -L \
--url '/api/users/recommendations?project=:project'
"totalCount": 1,
"aggregates": []
default response
Gets all users who recommended a document with the count of all recommended documents for project and documents ids.
comma separated document ids
curl -L \
--url '/api/users/recommendationsby?project=:project&docIds=:coma_separated_docIds'
"totalCount": 1,
"aggregates": []
default response
Gets all user's document recommendations.
if not provided it starts from 0
if not provided, the 50 first record from the "from" parameter
if not provided, return every recommendations for every project
curl -L \
--url '/api/document-user-recommendation/'
"error": true,
"success": true
returns the user's document recommendations
Preflight options request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/document-user-recommendation/'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS and GET
Gets the extension set in JSON. If a request parameter "filter" is provided, the regular expression will be applied to the list.
See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html for pattern syntax.
regular expression to apply
curl -L \
--url '/api/extensions'
returns the extensions set
Preflight request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/extensions/install'
No body
returns OPTIONS and PUT
Download (if necessary) and install extension specified by its id or url.Request parameter id
or url
must be present.
id of the extension
url of the extension
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/extensions/install'
No body
returns 200 if the extension is installed
Preflight request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/extensions/uninstall'
No body
returns OPTIONS and DELETE
Uninstall extension specified by its id.
id of the extension to uninstall
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/extensions/uninstall?id=:extensionId'
No body
returns 204 if the extension is uninstalled (idempotent)
Get the FtM document from its project and id (content hash)
project identifier
document identifier
curl -L \
--url '/api/ftm/:project/:docId'
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"emailMentioned": "text"
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"createdAt": "text",
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returns the JSON document
Preflight for index creation.
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/index/:index'
No body
returns 200 with PUT
Create the index for the current user if it doesn't exist.
index to create
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/index/:index'
No body
returns 200 if the index already exists
Search GET request to Elasticsearch. As it is a GET method, all paths are accepted.
if a body is provided, the body will be sent to ES as source=urlencoded(body)&source_content_type=application%2FjsonIn that case, request parameters are not taken into account.
elasticsearch path
curl -L \
--url '/api/index/search/:path:'
No body
returns 200
Head request useful for JavaScript API (for example to test if an index exists)
curl -L \
--request HEAD \
--url '/api/index/search/:path:'
No body
returns 200
Preflight request for hide endpoint
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/:project/namedEntities/hide/:mentionNorm'
No body
returns PUT
Hide all named entities with the given normalized mention
current project
normalized mention
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/:project/namedEntities/hide/:mentionNorm'
No body
returns 200 OK
When datashare is launched in NER mode (without index) it exposes a name finding HTTP API.
The text is sent with the HTTP body.
pipeline to use
text to analyze in the request body
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/ner/findNames/:pipeline'
returns the list of NamedEntities annotations
Gets the list of registered pipelines.
curl -L \
--url '/api/ner/pipelines'
returns the pipeline set
Gets the list of notes for a project.
the project id
curl -L \
--url '/api/:project/notes'
No body
if the user is not granted for the project
Get the JSON or YAML OpenAPI v3 contract specification
format of openapi description. Possible values are:
curl -L \
--url '/api/openapi?format=:format'
No body
returns the JSON or YAML file
Gets the plugins set in JSON.
If a request parameter "filter" is provided, the regular expression will be applied to the list.
See Pattern for pattern syntax.
regular expression to apply
curl -L \
--url '/api/plugins'
returns the plugins set
Preflight request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/plugins/install'
No body
returns OPTIONS and PUT
Download (if necessary) and install plugin specified by its id or url.Request parameter id
or url
must be present.
id of the plugin
url of the plugin
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/plugins/install'
No body
returns 200 if the plugin is installed
Preflight request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/plugins/uninstall'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS and DELETE
Uninstall plugin specified by its id.
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/plugins/uninstall?id=:pluginId'
No body
returns 204 if the plugin is uninstalled (idempotent)
Deletes all user's projects from database and elasticsearch index.
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/project/'
No body
if projects are deleted
Get all user's projects
curl -L \
--url '/api/project/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
default response
Preflight option request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/project/'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS, POST, GET and DELETE
Creates a project
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/project/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
No body
if project and index have been created
Deletes the project from database and elasticsearch index.
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/project/:id'
No body
if project is deleted
Gets the project information for the given id
curl -L \
--url '/api/project/:id'
No body
if the project is not found in database
Preflight option request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/project/:id'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS and DELETE
Returns 200 if the project is allowed with this network route : in Datashare database there is the project table that can specify an IP mask that is allowed per project. If the client IP is not in the range, then the file download will be forbidden. In that project table there is a field called allow_from_mask
that can have a mask with IP and star wildcard.
Ex : 192.168.*.*
will match all subnetwork
IP's and only users with an IP in.
curl -L \
--url '/api/project/isDownloadAllowed/:id'
No body
if project download is allowed for this project and IP
Gets the public (i.e. without user's information) datashare settings parameters.
These parameters are used for the client app for the init process.
The endpoint is removing all fields that contain Address or Secret or Url or Key
curl -L \
--url '/settings'
returns the list of public settings
Gets the versions (front/back/docker) of datashare.
curl -L \
--url '/version'
returns the list of versions of datashare
Retrieve the status of databus connection, database connection and index.
if provided in the URL it will return the status in openmetrics format
curl -L \
--url '/api/status'
"error": true,
"success": true
returns the status of datashare elements
Gets one task with its id.
task id
curl -L \
--url '/api/task/:id'
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"progress": 1,
"result": {},
"createdAt": "2025-02-22T08:26:00.754Z",
"error": {
"name": "text",
"message": "text",
"cause": "text",
"@type": "text",
"stacktrace": []
"latch": {
"taskState": "CREATED"
"state": "CREATED",
"args": {
returns the task from its id
Create a task with JSON body
task id
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/task/:id' \
--header 'Content-Type: */*'
No body
the task was already existing
Gets task result with its id
task id
curl -L \
--url '/api/task/:id/result'
No body
returns 200 and the result
Gets all the user tasks.
Filters can be added with name=value
. For example if name=foo
is given in the request url query,
the tasks containing the term "foo" are going to be returned. It can contain also dotted keys for nested properties matching.
For example if args.dataDir=bar
is provided, tasks with an argument "dataDir" containing "bar" are going to be selected.
Pagination/order parameters can be added:
as an example: pattern contained in the task name
curl -L \
--url '/api/task/all'
returns the list of tasks
Preflight request for batch download.
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/task/batchDownload'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS and POST
Download files from a search query.
Expected parameters are:
If the query is a string it is taken as an ES query string, else it is a raw JSON query (without the query part), see org.elasticsearch.index.query.WrapperQueryBuilder that is used to wrap the query.
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/task/batchDownload' \
--header 'Content-Type: */*'
"taskId": "text"
returns 200 and the json task id
Creates a new batch search. This is a multipart form with 9 fields:
name, description, csvFile, published, fileTypes, paths, fuzziness, phrase_matches, query_template.
Queries with less than two characters are filtered.
To make a request manually, you can create a file like:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
my batch search
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="description"
search description
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="csvFile"; filename="search.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv
query three
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="published"
Then curl with
curl -i -XPOST localhost:8080/api/batch/search/prj1,prj2 -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=BOUNDARY' --data-binary @/home/dev/multipart.txt
you'll maybe have to replace \n with \r\n with sed -i 's/$/^M/g' ~/multipart.txt
Coma-separated list of projects
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/task/batchSearch/:coma_separated_projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
No body
if either name or CSV file is missing
Preflight request
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/task/batchSearch/copy/:sourcebatchid'
"error": true,
"success": true
returns POST
Creates a new batch search based on a previous one given its id, and enqueue it for running
source batch id
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/task/batchSearch/copy/:sourcebatchid' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"name":"my new batch","description":"desc"}'
returns the id of the created batch search
Indexes files from the queue.
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/task/batchUpdate/index' \
--header 'Content-Type: */*'
"taskId": "text"
returns 200 and the json task id
Indexes files in a directory (with docker, it is the mounted directory that is scanned).
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/task/batchUpdate/index/file' \
--header 'Content-Type: */*'
"error": true,
"success": true
returns 200 and the list of tasks created
Cleans all DONE tasks.
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/task/clean'
returns 200 and the list of removed tasks
Cleans a specific task.
name of the task to delete
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/task/clean/:taskName:'
No body
returns 200 if the task is removed
Preflight request for task cleaning.
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/task/clean/:taskName:'
No body
returns OPTIONS and DELETE
Cancels the task with the given name.
name of the task to cancel
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/task/stop/:taskId:'
returns 200 with the cancellation status (true/false)
Preflight request to stop tasks.
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/task/stop/:taskName:'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS and PUT
Preflight request to stop all tasks.
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/task/stopAll'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS and PUT
Cancels the running tasks. It returns a map with task name/stop statuses.
If the status is false, it means that some threads have not been stopped.
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/task/stopAll'
returns 200 and the tasks stop result map
Lists all files and directory for the given path. This endpoint returns a JSON using the same specification than the tree
command on UNIX. It is roughly the equivalent of:
tree -L 1 -spJ --noreport /home/datashare/data
directory path in the tree
curl -L \
--url '/api/tree/:dirPath:'
"prot": "text",
"name": "text",
"size": 1,
"type": "directory",
"contents": []
returns the list of files and directory
Gets the user's session information.
curl -L \
--url '/api/users/me'
returns the user map
Preflight request for history
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/users/me/history'
No body
returns 200 with OPTIONS, GET, PUT and DELETE
Add or update an event to user's history. The event's type, the project ids and the uri are passed in the request body.
To update the event's name, the eventId is required to retrieve the corresponding event. The project list related to the event is stored in database but is never queried (no filters on project).
user history query to save
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/api/users/me/history'
No body
returns 200 when event is added or updated.
Preflight request for history
curl -L \
--request OPTIONS \
--url '/api/users/me/history/event'
No body
returns OPTIONS and DELETE
Delete user event by id.
user history event id to delete
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/users/me/history/event?id=:eventId'
No body
Returns 204 (No Content) : idempotent
Delete user history by type.
type of user history event
curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/api/users/me/history?type=:type'
"error": true,
"success": true
Returns 204 (No Content) : idempotent