Search documents
You can search with the main search bar, with operators, and also within a document thanks to control or command + F.
Last updated
You can search with the main search bar, with operators, and also within a document thanks to control or command + F.
Last updated
1. To see all your documents (you need to have added documents to Datashare and have analyzed them before), click 'Search in documents':
If not collapsed yet, to collapse the left menu in order to gain room, click the 'hamburger menu':
2. Search for specific documents. Type terms in the search bar, press Enter or click 'Search':
To make your searches more precise, you can search with operators (AND, OR, ....): read more here.
If you get a message "Your search query is wrong", it is probably because you are misusing one or some reserved characters (like ^ " ? ( [ * OR AND etc). Please refer to this page.
3. You can search in specific fields like tags, title, author, recipient, content, path or thread ID. Click 'All fields' and select your choice in the dropdown menu:
Select the view on the top right.
Once a document is opened, you can search for terms in this document:
Press Command (⌘) + F (on Mac) or Control + F (on Windows and Linux) or click on the search bar above your Extracted Text
Type what you search for
Press ENTER to go from one occurrence to the next one
Presse SHIFT + ENTER to go from one occurrence to the previous one
(To know all the shortcuts in Datashare, please read 'Use keyboard shortcuts'.)
This also counts the number of occurrences of your searched terms in this document:
If you run email extraction and searched for one or several email addresses, if the email adresses are in the email's metadata (recipient, sender or other field), there will be a 'in metadata' label attached to the email addresses: